Wedding Planning Melt Down!

Image: Pinterest Well, it finally happened. My fiancé and I are in the midst of planning our wedding, and we had the epic fight that everyone I know who has planned a wedding told me about (most told me after I relayed this story and told me it was completely normal, which was encouraging!) I thought I was immune, since I'm a couples therapist, which I realize now makes me sound ridiculous 😀 I work with couples all the time! Surely I can handle my own feelings and take my own advice. Oh, if only it were that easy! What I failed to appreciate beforehand was just how much emotional energy goes into planning a wedding. Suddenly our conversation about table shapes and the pros and cons of a wedding cake, took on a life of their own. When my ideas were not initially met with enthusiastic support, I was absolutely crushed! I had been working on this plan for the wedding for so long, that I wasn't expecting him to disagree with me. His valid questions a...